Diagnostic appliances and setups for femtosecond spectroscopy
ILC of Bratislava |
Science |
Hotel Soyuz, Moscow region.
Oral abstracts submission deadline - May 01, 2015.
Poster abstracts submission deadline - June 01, 2015.
Education |
3-d International Laser Graduate School "Modern Problems of Laser Physics LGS-2009"
Moscow – Vyatichi, November 9 – 11, 2009.
Seminar |
March 21, 2014
15:00 S.A. Akhmanov Hall, Nonlinear Optics Bld.
Alexander Pukhov...
Home Collaboration ILC of Bratislava ILCB laboratories Laboratory of Optical Diagnostics and Visualization Diagnostic appliances and setups for femtosecond spectroscopy
Diagnostic appliances and setups for femtosecond spectroscopy
Generation and application of the ultrashort laser pulses is one of the modern trends in photonics. The application of the high-power ultrashort laser pulses allows one to incredibly concentrate electromagnetic energy in time and space, which makes it possible to observe new nonlinear optical phenomena (self-focusing, phase self-modulation, generation of optical harmonics of high order, etc.). In addition, the high-power femtosecond laser pulses can help in precise microprocessing of the materials.
ASF-20 "single-shot" autocorrelator (OAO KDP, Russia)
OPA100/800 tunable optical parametric femtosecond amplifier (OAO KDP, Russia)
FOG100 system for fluorescence optical gating (OAO KDP, Russia)

Time resolved spectroscopy of the ultrafast chemical and biological reactions and processes in molecules and atoms
Design of the femtotechnology devices based on photon crystals
Diagnostics of biological molecules and molecular systems by nonlinear laser spectroscopy
Biomedical studies by fluorescence spectroscopy with two-photon excitation
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