International Laser Center of MSU


International Fall School on Organic Electronics

Hotel Soyuz, Moscow region. 
Oral abstracts submission deadline  -  May 01, 2015.
Poster abstracts submission deadline  -  June 01, 2015


LGS - 2009

3-d International Laser Graduate School "Modern Problems of Laser Physics LGS-2009"  
Moscow – Vyatichi, November 9 – 11, 2009.


ILC and GPWP Chair Seminar

March 21, 2014
15:00 S.A. Akhmanov Hall, Nonlinear Optics Bld.

Alexander Pukhov...

Home Science and education Papers

Photoinduced optical rotation in a racemic mixture of hydrogen peroxide molecules

Type: article
Published: Nonlinear Optics (Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol.-Sec. B) 23, 286-304
Year: 2000
Authors: B.A.Grishanin, V.N.Zadkov
Abstract: A problem of inducing a required sign of chirality in a racemic mixture of enantiomers of a chiral molecule is analyzed. As an example, a racemic mixture (vapor) of left- and right-handed enantiomers of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) molecule is considered. It is shown that biharmonic Raman excitation of the splitted due to the left-right conversion internal rotation levels can be e ectively used for inducing optical activity in the initially racemic vapor of H2O2 molecules. An experiment to study this photoinduced optical rotation is discussed.
Laboratories: Laboratory of Quantum Information

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