Modern low-noise CCD detectors exhibit sensitivity comparable to that of PMTs. Recording of images in digital format facilitates their processing, archiving, and transmission. Gated image intensifiers make it possible to study the processes of the nanosecond time scale. Thus, the CCD-based detection systems supplement FOG-100 in the sense of the time resolution and substantially extend the time scale of the measurements.
PENTAMAX TE-cooled high-resolution CCD camera (Princeton Instruments, USA)
CCD camera with image intensifier and nanosecond time gating (Deltatekh, Russia)
WinView, Impor, and Iris Explorer software for image processing

The detectors can be used for the spectral measurements in the range of 200-1000 nm. The systems of image processing are applied in microscopy, spectroscopy, sonography, radiomedicine, tomography, criminology, professional processing of videosignals, telecommunications, processing of graphic and printed materials, robotics, computerized systems of the industrial production, etc. Low cost and high efficiency of the modern computers along with the decreasing cost of the CCD-detectors stimulate mass production of the computerized monitoring, security, and biomedical systems