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Весенний набор студентов на кафедру

Кафедра приглашает студентов 2-го курса на виртуальные встречи!

Семинар МЛЦ и кафедры

Заседание кафедры ОФиВП

26 февраля 2021 
15:00 виртуальная аудитория в Zoom

Семинар кафедры ОФиВП

Шипило Д.Е.     


Главная Cотрудничество ILC of Bratislava ILCB laboratories Laboratory of Optical Diagnostics and Visualization SpexFluorolog-3


SpexFluorolog-3 (Jobin Yvon) is one of the newest spectrofluorimeters featured by high sensitivity, efficiency, versatility, and low service costs.



  • Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy: measurement of the corrected fluorescence spectra at low concentrations and analysis of complex compounds exhibiting overlapping of the fluorescence and absorption spectra.

  • Detection of substances and measurement of their concentrations: high sensitivity makes it possible to detect substances at very low concentrations and determine the trace concentrations of the biological fluorescence probes (e.g., subpicomolar concentration of fluorescein).

  • Determination of the fluorescence quantum yield: the measurements of the excitation and integral fluorescence intensities allow determination of the fluorescence quantum yield.

  • Fluorescence anisotropy measurements: the studies of the polarization characteristics of fluorescence enable one to determine the microviscosity, dynamics and phase transitions in biomembranes, etc.

  • 3D spectroscopy: rapid recording (in a few minutes) of the fluorescence and absorption spectra makes it possible to reconstruct 3D excitation spectra.

  • Measurements at a few excitation and fluorescence wavelengths: tuning of the excitation and detection monochromators allows application of the probes with several fluorescence or absorption maxima (pH-, calcium-, or magnesium-sensitive probes).

  • Time-resolved measurements: measurements of the time evolution of the fluorescence polarization, anisotropy, absorption and fluorescence spectra.

[ILC and ILCB Cooperation][ILC MSU Main Page]

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