Multichannel spectroscopy
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Семинар кафедры ОФиВП
Шипило Д.Е.
Главная Cотрудничество ILC of Bratislava ILCB laboratories Laboratory of Optical Diagnostics and Visualization Multichannel spectroscopy
Multichannel spectroscopy
One of the trends in the conventional spectroscopy lies in substituting CCD arrays and matrices for the single-channel detectors. The multichannel detection allows recording of one or several spectra at a time. 2D CCD-detectors with high resolution (up to several million pixels) enable one to obtain information regarding the dimensions and spectral characteristics of the object under study by detecting images at a few wavelengths. The flexibility of the experimental arrangement is provided by optical waveguides and fibers.
SpectraPro-300i spectrograph equipped with a highly-sensitive CCD-camera (Acton Research Corporation, USA)
SPEC-10 detector (Princeton Instruments, USA)
MultiView software (Princeton Instruments, USA)
PCA2000 portable fiberoptic spectrograph (Ocean Optics, USA)
Spectroscopic fibers and probes

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