Старый сайт МЛЦ МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
Multipurpose all-solid femtosecond laser complex


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15:00 виртуальная аудитория в Zoom

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Шипило Д.Е.     


Главная Cотрудничество ILC of Bratislava ILCB laboratories Laboratory of Optical Diagnostics and Visualization Multipurpose all-solid femtosecond laser complex

Multipurpose all-solid femtosecond laser complex

Generation and application of the ultrashort laser pulses is one of the modern trends in photonics. The application of the high-power ultrashort laser pulses allows one to incredibly concentrate electromagnetic energy in time and space, which makes it possible to observe new nonlinear optical phenomena (self-focusing, phase self-modulation, generation of optical harmonics of high order, etc.). In addition, the high-power femtosecond laser pulses can help in precise microprocessing of the materials.


  • Verdi-5W cw solid-state diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser (Coherent Ltd., USA)

  • TiF-50 Ti:Sapph femtosecond master oscillator (ОАО KDP, Russia)

  • Solar LF2210 pulsed Nd:YAG laser (Solar TII, Belarus)

  • MPA-50 multipass femtosecond Ti:Sapph amplifier (ОАО KDP, Russia)


    • Precise microprocessing of materials by laser ablation

    • The study of the fundamental aspects of the (high-power) laser-matter interaction

    • Design of the coherent X-ray sources employing generation of optical harmonics of high order

  • [ILC and ILCB Cooperation][ILC MSU Main Page]

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