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Шипило Д.Е.     


Главная Публикации

Measurement and physical content of quantum information

Тип: статья
Опубликовано: J. of Communications Technology and Electronics 47(9), 1029–1046
Год: 2002
Авторы: B.A.Grishanin, V.N.Zadkov
Абстракт: Basic quantum information measures involved in the information analysis of quantum systems are considered. It is shown that the main quantum information measurement methods depend on whether the corresponding quantum events are compatible or incompatible. For purely quantum channels, the coherent and compatible information measures, which are qualitatively different, can be distinguished. A general information scheme is proposed for a quantum-physical experiment. In this scheme, informational optimization of an experimental setup is formulated as a mathematical problem.
Лаборатории: Лаборатория квантовой информации

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