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Главная Публикации

Compatible Information as a Natural Information Measure of a Quantum Channel

Тип: статья
Опубликовано: Laser Physics 11(12), 1–11
Год: 2001
Авторы: B.A.Grishanin, V.N.Zadkov
Абстракт: The Shannon information amount corresponding to two independent generalized measurements of all possible quantum states at the input and output is proposed as a natural quantitative characteristic of mutual information stored in two compatible sets of quantum states considered as an input and an output. We analyze the physical content of this information measure and its relation to other measures, such as the Holevo information and coherent information. Using an example of two two-level systems, we reveal and discuss the main essential properties of compatible information in the absence and in the presence of selection of states being measured.
Лаборатории: Лаборатория квантовой информации

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