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Главная Публикации

“Spatial smoothing method for atmospheric turbulence simulation”

Тип: тезисы
Опубликовано: International Conference on High Power Laser Beams (HPLB 2006), Nizhny Novgorod, 3-8 July 2006, Summaries, pp.47-48, Nizhny Novgorod
Год: 2006
Авторы: A. V. Koryabin, V. I. Shmalhausen
Абстракт: Numerical method is described for computer simulation of moving random phase screens with arbitrary spatial spectrum. These screens are often used for modeling of laser beam propagation through turbulent atmosphere in case of transversal wind. The method is based on the spatial smoothing of the raw uncorrelated random field with a “sliding” filter with PSF obtained by inverse Fourier transform of the original spectrum. The method offers possibility to simulate phase screens with practically unlimited length and is free from some restrictions of the spectral one. Examples of the Kolmogoroff spectrum field simulation are presented.

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